Friday, August 12, 2011

Aging…..actively: Part 1

On a recent trip to the south of France, I was astounded at how active and fit the older set appeared. My husband and I stayed in a beautiful little town built into the side of a mountain. I over packed (as usual) not realizing that you could only drive the car halfway up the mountain. This meant you had to walk and carry your bags the rest of the way. Our friends were staying even higher up in the town. The first time I hiked up to visit them; I thought I was going to pass out. Those hills are steep! The second time I was still panting. By the fifth time up the mountain, I was still breathing heavily, but my body was adapting to the rigor of the climb.

It was disappointing to me that I found it such a challenge. After all, I belong to a gym and regularly spin, do Pilates and walk. I thought I led a healthy active lifestyle……that is until I saw the “old lady”. Now that I am on the other side of “50”, my son calls me old. I however, do not think of myself as old. At least not in comparison to the 80ish year old lady I saw walking up and down the mountain with her faithful dog. This “old” lady was pounding it up the same hill, whereas I had huffed and dragged myself halfway. She had the same routine every day and made it look like a walk in the park.

When we walked around the neighboring town below, we saw many older folks. Always walking, interacting and smiling (some were even holding hands!). Other than the obvious tourists, what I did not see was obese or wheelchair bound elderly people. Very different than when you walk around a North American city.

I am sure the temperate climate is helpful, but it sure looks like these older folks have aging figured out. Stay active, interact with your community, smile and have a dog to keep you company every day when you climb the mountain!

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